Monday, December 15, 2008

kenyah united

Welcome to kenyah united. im kenyah and im very excite to see who ever who have a dream to reunited kenyah people in the internet. There’re one website that interest me, this website created by kenyah badeng and I find its very cool. So, if u wanted to see it by yourself and what is so cool about that website. please visit or you want to read more about kenyah kindly please visit This is the time, don’t miss this chance to join and be part of the team as a kenyah united. I hope our kenyah youths can join that website talk about kenyah tradition( , get connected with others kenyah who out there…in the same time make new friends….share our knowledge and if you not kenyah, you’re also welcome to join us and learn more about kenyah….kenyah united! Kenyah for all.

Visi and misi of kenyah united
1.To develop kenyah with knowledge
2.To knowing kenyah tradition
3. To connect with other kenyah
4. To bring kenyah to the world.

(Picture of kenyah traditional wear)