Wednesday, December 26, 2012


This is a trip to Sabah (Borneo Island)

Ours journey begun from Miri to Brunei and staying one night at Limbang. It take about 5 hours form miri to limbang. At limbang, we're staying at Purnama Hotel.

                   The background is limbang river
                            Purnama Hotel

The next day, we start our journey early in the morning. It took 9 hour to arrived in Sabah.
My family and i, we all together ware planing to have some activity when we arrived. We planned consistently to make sure our trip going smoothly as planned.
The first and second day in Sabah, we went for indoor shopping. This actually not my thing. Me,my wife, my brother and sister was going to cinema, we watched Thor and pirates of the Caribbean. Its was a very good Movie. Take it from me, i recommended that you guys go and watch that movie. LOL. At the same time, sabah people celebrating hari keamatan. Here are some Pictures Of Local Peoples Dancing At 1 Borneo.

Third day we going to Poring Hot Spring Sabah

The day we went to Poring Hot Spring, it was a sunny day, in fact our days in sabah was mostly sunny day. Two day it was a raining day, but only at night.  Look like the whether is in our side, thank to god. The journey begun from our hotel in Sabah to Kundasang. We departed from our hotel in the morning, half way before we arrived at our destination, we stop awhile to see the Mount Kinabalu. The view is amazing. Tourist who visited sabah also didnt want to miss the chance to take pictures of mount kinabalu. Here are some picture of Mount Kinabalu.

Many local people selling gift to bring home and i didn't forget to buy one for me. I bought an arrow just for collection/decoration purpose only(not for hunting). It took us about 4 hour to arrived at our destination. Nice  place, and for people who really endure nature, this is the place for you. You can go for canopy walk at Poring Hot Spring and at the same time try the hot water from the mount.

                 here are some pictures to share

                                 Poring hot spring

                                Canopy walk
                                Canopy walk 2

And our fourth day went to sabah island (Pulau sapi and Pulau manukan)
we rent a boat to take us to this two island, is cost us RM300. Its was jumpy on the boat due to the wave...the wave to strong and we ware like jumping and flying(something like that). After 15 minute, we arrived at Pulau sapi. im telling you guys, i never saw so beautiful island in my life then this, the beach was so clean and clear. i saw fishes form where I stand. It amaze me, I so excited and cant wait to go snorkelling. But before that we have to pay RM3 to enter the beach. this RM3 can be use in pulau sapi and manukan. So, RM300 plus RM3 per person is not expansive if we compare to the experience that we had. Plus, I have the time to spend with the one I love. This is the moment we treasure in our life. We go snorkelling, swimming and playing with my lovely daughter at the beach. All I can say, it was fun. Here are some pictures to share with you guys.

This Animal Only Can Be Seen At Pulau Sapi
                                   Pulau Sapi
                              Ocean crystal clear 
                                 Pulau Manukan
                                 Pulau Manukan

A new journey of life to a new places and meet many wonderful peoples
its was unforgettable trip, have the chance to see new places and experience the cultures and tradition. For those who wanted to Visit Sabah for vacation or holiday, dont forget to visit all the amazing place that Sabah Island has to offer. Enjoy.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Religion had changed cultures and traditions, agree?

Before you guys read my opinion, i like to inform that this is not for political purpose or trying to insult others. This is just sharing. Other opinion are welcomed. Peace. implemented 1MALAYSIA.

Photo info:

  • All of these pictures are from the missionary.
  • Took place in some villages like long jawe, long jeeh, long matu, long tebangan, long busang, long geng and etc.
  • These pictures only for sharing purpose.

Answering this question may be difficult for us who lived in modern area. As I look at myself, I do realize something, I have been living in the world of “forgetting our culture and traditions”. let step up into my point of view, before answering the question. 

My point of view on the changed of our people believed

Nowadays, many of the kenyah peoples had caught up with the modern world trends, the mind set and the way of thinking of those people will be different from the one who lived in rural area. but still, we only want one thing, looking for a better life. Changes are good, but decide which one should be change must be harder, because not all things can be change. In the issue of religion, as we know Christianity has changed our people lives forever, bringing new salvation in our people meant everything. The missionary start they journey to our villages and started to preach about Jesus Christ. Then, translated the bible to kenyah languages so that our people can read and understand the word of god (Bible). Here some of the pictures of the missionary:

Pictures of the kenyah peoples and missionary who Translated the bible to kenyah languages.

       Translator (Pejalong, Ray, Gun, Tama Jim)

    Lepo' tau translation helper in merudi 1969

   Translation Lepo' Tau New Testament at Merudi 1969

     Ray translated Bible to Kenyah lepo' tau language.

 The Translation completed in 1975 and start to printed in 1979

We now believed in god (Jesus Christ) as our saviour. In the issue of cultures and traditions, some of its can be changed according to the word of god (the bible). In the journey of our peoples, now we live our life according to the bible. The process of changing had begun in culture and tradition when the first missionary came to preach about Jesus Christ. Started from that time almost all the kenyah people accept Christ in their life. These are some pictures of the convention, bible class, and conference in our kenyah villages.

Convention at long tebangan 1956

Long tebangan people

People at the convention in Long Tebangan 1956

Long Jee' convention 1971

Church gathering long jawe 1972

Long jawe bible class

Ray interpreting for haddon 1971
(we can see that the SIB symbol has been used) 

Long Busang deacons 1972

Belaga district conference 1973

Now, all things that we (kenyah) did that against the bible will be forbidden forever. These changes a little bit had affected the way of our people live their life. These changes bring us to the better life and showing us the light in the darkness. one of the oldest SIB Church in miri region is canada hill church.

              Canada hill church (completed in 1974)

The new look of canada hill church

Now as we know, there're many churches in miri and also in villages. 

These are my opinion, how about you guys?

Monday, December 27, 2010


As everyone know, sape is one of the music instrument mostly used by kenyah, iban, and kayan.
this are some of the sape pictures that i took.

1) Sape

playing sape

String that used nowadays are guitar string

The tattoo made by paint, in the old day there used to craft it.

 Showing how to put your finger in the correct position

String(guitar string) and the fret(buluh/kayu) used in creating sape

The art is shown in the pattern, every pattern certain different meaning.

               (side-by-side) tattoo on sape

               Sape saddle

                Painted art on sape

                   Sape frets

                    Middle pictures of sape

hope you guys enjoy this pictures...
all comment are welcomed