Monday, January 3, 2011

Religion had changed cultures and traditions, agree?

Before you guys read my opinion, i like to inform that this is not for political purpose or trying to insult others. This is just sharing. Other opinion are welcomed. Peace. implemented 1MALAYSIA.

Photo info:

  • All of these pictures are from the missionary.
  • Took place in some villages like long jawe, long jeeh, long matu, long tebangan, long busang, long geng and etc.
  • These pictures only for sharing purpose.

Answering this question may be difficult for us who lived in modern area. As I look at myself, I do realize something, I have been living in the world of “forgetting our culture and traditions”. let step up into my point of view, before answering the question. 

My point of view on the changed of our people believed

Nowadays, many of the kenyah peoples had caught up with the modern world trends, the mind set and the way of thinking of those people will be different from the one who lived in rural area. but still, we only want one thing, looking for a better life. Changes are good, but decide which one should be change must be harder, because not all things can be change. In the issue of religion, as we know Christianity has changed our people lives forever, bringing new salvation in our people meant everything. The missionary start they journey to our villages and started to preach about Jesus Christ. Then, translated the bible to kenyah languages so that our people can read and understand the word of god (Bible). Here some of the pictures of the missionary:

Pictures of the kenyah peoples and missionary who Translated the bible to kenyah languages.

       Translator (Pejalong, Ray, Gun, Tama Jim)

    Lepo' tau translation helper in merudi 1969

   Translation Lepo' Tau New Testament at Merudi 1969

     Ray translated Bible to Kenyah lepo' tau language.

 The Translation completed in 1975 and start to printed in 1979

We now believed in god (Jesus Christ) as our saviour. In the issue of cultures and traditions, some of its can be changed according to the word of god (the bible). In the journey of our peoples, now we live our life according to the bible. The process of changing had begun in culture and tradition when the first missionary came to preach about Jesus Christ. Started from that time almost all the kenyah people accept Christ in their life. These are some pictures of the convention, bible class, and conference in our kenyah villages.

Convention at long tebangan 1956

Long tebangan people

People at the convention in Long Tebangan 1956

Long Jee' convention 1971

Church gathering long jawe 1972

Long jawe bible class

Ray interpreting for haddon 1971
(we can see that the SIB symbol has been used) 

Long Busang deacons 1972

Belaga district conference 1973

Now, all things that we (kenyah) did that against the bible will be forbidden forever. These changes a little bit had affected the way of our people live their life. These changes bring us to the better life and showing us the light in the darkness. one of the oldest SIB Church in miri region is canada hill church.

              Canada hill church (completed in 1974)

The new look of canada hill church

Now as we know, there're many churches in miri and also in villages. 

These are my opinion, how about you guys?


  1. To all my viewer....please noted that some of the peoples in the pictures are from another race...but, we all became Christian... I wrote this for our info..sorry because im didn't mention it earlier in my introduction...

  2. well writen.. what view do have on the christian life now?

  3. sorry for the late reply back to your question, bro. in my opinion , the life of the Christian is now more mature and developed . changes in our lives can be seen through the way we live our daily lives . However, there are many obstacles still faced by Christians in our present time.

  4. Hei, could I have your email? My name is Imam Ardhianto, a PhD student from Indonesia that studying the history of Christianity in Central Borneo. It would be great if we could chat about this subject. I have visit sungai Asap and Long Busang.
